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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

Pillars of the Crime of Cyber Libel

Ismail Husain Alhosani, Kawthar Abdalla Bayoumi , Mohammad Naqib Bin Hamdan

Open access

This research aims to identify the pillars of the crime of cyber libel from the UAE perspective. This research identified two pillars of this crime: the first is the material pillar that addresses criminal behaviour, criminal consequences, and causation. The second one is the moral pillar that addresses science, will, and publicity. The research argues that the United Arab Emirates has taken the lead in this regard, as it issued Federal Law Decree No. (34) in 2021 regarding combating rumours and cybercrime. It adds that the UAE legislator also dealt with the crimes of cyber libel. In this research. The research concludes that the crime of libel is an intentional crime, and the same applies to the criminal intent in the crime of cyber libel through electronic means. In addition, it is achieved by directing the offender’s will into action by using the informational network and information technology as a means to deliver insults and slander to the victim.

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In-Text Citation: (Alhosani et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Alhosani, I. H., Bayoumi, K. A., & Hamdan, M. N. Bin. (2023). Pillars of the Crime of Cyber Libel. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management and Sciences, 12(2), 311 – 319.