ISSN: 2226-3624
Open access
In the post-pandemic era, companies face unprecedented challenges, especially in employee retention. Employees are the company's core assets; therefore, their self-belongingness and loyalty are crucial for the company’s performance and survival. Employee turnover will not only lead to talent loss but also increase the cost of recruiting and training new employees while negatively impacting team morale and productivity. In this context, Organizational culture becomes a critical factor in shaping employee behaviour and attitudes, profoundly affecting employee retention and turnover intentions. This study explores the relationship between Organizational culture and employee turnover intention, as well as the mediating role of job satisfaction in this relationship. The study found that Organizational culture directly influences employee attitudes and behaviours. Positive Organizational culture enhances job satisfaction and reduces employees' intention to leave. Job satisfaction mediates the impact of Organizational culture on turnover intention. Organizational culture has a profound influence on employee turnover intention. Therefore, by cultivating a positive Organizational culture and effectively enhancing employees' level of job satisfaction, organizations can effectively reduce employee attrition rates and gain a competitive advantage in this highly competitive post-pandemic era.
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