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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

The Relationship between Safety Leadership and Safety Performance: An Empirical Study from Chinese Public Hospitals Nurse

Qi Yuanyuan, Siti Rohaida Mohamed Zainal

Open access

This study investigated the safety leadership and safety performance of 490 nurses in Chinese public hospitals through an online questionnaire. It analyzed the relationship between the gender, age, work experience and education level of the nurses on these two variables. This study conducted descriptive, difference, and Pearson correlation analyses on the collected data. The study showed that older nurses with medium work experience and higher education performed better in safety performance, while female, young, experienced and highly educated nurses performed best in safety leadership. A positive and significant correlation existed between nurses' safety performance and safety leadership. The researchers suggested strengthening training and continuing education to improve nurses' safety awareness and skills, particularly for nurses with more extended work experience or lower education levels, to improve overall safety performance and leadership.

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(Yuanyuan & Zainal, 2024)
Yuanyuan, Q., & Zainal, S. R. M. (2024). The Relationship between Safety Leadership and Safety Performance: An Empirical Study from Chinese Public Hospitals Nurse. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Managment and Sciences, 13(3), 139–151.