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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

The Role of Participative Leadership Style in Reducing Stress in the Workplace: An Analytical Study on a Sample of Medical Staff at Anbar Teaching Hospital

Muthanna Abdel-Wahab Juma Al-Mawla

Open access

The research aims to identify the impact of participatory leadership (an independent variable) in reducing workshop stress (a dependent variable) in AL-Anbar Teaching Hospital, the research sample. We relied on the descriptive-analytical approach to collect and present the research information. We selected a sample of medical cadres from the aforementioned hospital as our study community, considering it to be one of the most significant service organizations facing workplace pressures. We recruited a sample of 200 medical stuff employees from the hospital. We used a set of statistical methods to test correlation and influence relationships. The SPSS program was used. The research also presented a set of recommendations, the most prominent of which is for administrative leaders to adopt a participatory leadership style that contributes to reducing the severity of stress in the workplace.

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