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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

Slay with S.C.O.R.E Model! Remarkable Six Sigma in Improving Quality Education Outfit

Siti Hannah Sabtu, Mohd Effendi@Ewan Mohd Matore, Siti Mistima Maat, Muhamad Firdaus Mohd Noh, Mohd Tarmizi Azeman, Hamzah Ishak, Nursohana Othman, Nurbaya Rosli

Open access

Global education innovation to improve the quality of education is actively carried out in most countries worldwide. The success of Six Sigma in the profit-driven sector has sparked interest in its potential application in the education sector. However, previous studies indicate that Six Sigma is predominantly used to enhance the quality of education in various fields within higher education institutions. Even implementing Six Sigma in the context of Malaysian education is very limited and has never been studied. Therefore, the primary purpose of this concept paper is to detail strategy-based evaluation using the SCORE model to improve the quality of education using Six Sigma. The SCORE model is measured between five elements: Strength (S), Challenge (C), Option (O), Response (R), and Effectiveness (E). A comprehensive literature review was conducted by analyzing journals, conference papers, research theses, books, and websites. The main study's findings show that the SCORE model found that Six Sigma has a lot of potential and plays an important role in strengthening the quality of education. Six Sigma can be commercialized with joint collaboration with stakeholders, and implementing Six Sigma can offer opportunities that can bring significant improvement to various fields of education in Malaysia. However, the findings of this study only discuss positive actions using the SCORE model. A comprehensive description of the SCORE model cannot be explained due to constraints from a practical point of view. Nevertheless, this concept paper can be improved by using any other model to get various perspectives, such as SWOT, TOWS, NOISE, and SOAR. Implementing Six Sigma aims to broaden the existing body of knowledge in education quality assessment. One potential avenue for further research involves investigating the effects of implementing the Six Sigma DMAIC model within the Malaysian education sector. Additionally, there is an opportunity to delve into specific educational areas that may benefit from improvement, such as management, infrastructure, curriculum, and evaluation.

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Sabtu, S. H., Matore, M. E. E. M., Maat, S. M., Noh, M. F. M., Azeman, M. T., Ishak, H., Othman, N., & Rosli, N. M. (2024). Slay with S.C.O.R.E Model! Remarkable Six Sigma in Improving Quality Education Outfit. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 13(3), 681–691.