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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

The Influence of Live Streaming Online Shopping on University Students' Purchasing Interest

Roziana Baharin, Aracelli Mayra Tirtajaya

Open access

Purchase intention is the consumer’s decision to buy a product based on specific circumstances, often linked to their habits, perceptions, and attitudes. Buying activities can be carried out through e-commerce services. In this study, a sample of 108 university students was tested to investigate the factors influencing university students’ intentions to make purchases while watching live streaming online shopping. Data was processed using multiple regression analysis using SPSS 25. The results obtained are (1) partially, trust has a positive effect on purchase intention, (2) partially, streamer attractiveness does not have a positive effect on purchase intention, (3) partially, price has a positive effect on purchase intention and (4) stimulant, trust, streamer attractiveness and price have a positive effect on purchase intention.

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