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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

ChatGPT Embryonic Stages in STEM Subject from Reflective Strategy Based Assessment

Rosidah Md Desa, Mohd Effendi Ewan Mohd Matore

Open access

ChatGPT applications in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) has a place in the teaching and learning phase of students. ChatGPT is important for students, because it is very helpful to publish ideas and explicitly analyze an idea. STEM learning with ChatGPT will support better self-learning with the help of teachers. The discussion of ChatGPT in STEM using the SCORE model is not much discussed compared to the model in other strategy planning tools. Therefore, this concept paper aims to describe strategy-based assessment in ChatGPT in STEM practice in Malaysia using the SCORE Model. The methodology used for this concept paper is the thorough analysis of ChatGPT in STEM using SCORE model that measured among five elements such as Strengths (S), Challenges (C), Options (O), Responses (R) and Effectiveness (E). The major findings show that SCORE model effectively can show the potential of ChatGPT in STEM by recognizing the strength, challenges, options, responses and effectiveness in educational context. This encourages students to use technology medium in helping them generate idea systematically. These qualities are supporting the ability of students to choose the right information in solving STEM problems. The limitation on this paper can be improving by using any other model to get variety of perspectives such as SWOT, TOWS, NOISE, and SOAR. This finding has important implications towards the better understanding of the student’s community using ChatGPT in STEM ethically and see the future potential. Further research might include the possibility of doing research on the qualitative parts in exploring more on the factors that can threaten the ChatGPT in STEM, especially for those students with low ability in technology.

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