ISSN: 2226-3624
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In recent years the service sector has taken a prominent place in the economic dynamics given the importance of the number of companies operating in this sector and the increasing number of services consumed. In this context, the issue of quality arises with acuity, especially the problem of uncertainty about the quality of service because a bad or uncertainty about quality of service, place all the company in a competitive disadvantage. This paper fits into this perspective. Our objective is to identify the sources of uncertainty on the quality of services as well as the means to solve it. The hypothesis of this research is that the specific nature of services is the main source of uncertainty on the quality and quality conventions are tools for resolving this uncertainty. The research took a qualitative approach and used a case study methodology. Precisely two companies have been studied (REDAL company and Groupe Banques Populaires (GBP)). The results of our research show that more the service is intangible; more uncertainty about its quality is higher. Both companies apply conventions quality (quality management system, commitment to service) to reduce uncertainty about the quality and this according to the degree of uncertainty about the quality of services.
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(Amine & Chakor, 2013)
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