ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Mediamorphosis is no longer just a concept in blended learning (BL) classes. During the Covid-19 pandemic, students have no option but to endure such media transitions in in open distance learning (ODL) which adopts similar technological use in BL. The present study explores how mediamorphosis in mobile BL affects tertiary level foundation students’ learning English language as second language (ESL). The problem that led to the study is the students’ level of readiness for changes in English language teaching (ELT) mediums. The objective of this study is to unfold the students’ ability to grasp the subject content within the mediamorphic mobile setting. A qualitative approach was adopted to report average learners’ feedbacks and to understand the nature of the learners’ acceptance and comprehension of the subject content when taught through Mobile Blended Learning Application (MoBL) as opposed to the traditional method. The method assumed were a partial observation method in mobile setting and online interview. Analysis was made using thematic and discourse analysis convention and observations were recorded and themed focusing on method, presentation and content. Recorded observations were made through lectures of one semester and interviews were carried out with two small focus groups - male and female. The findings suggest that lecturers’ role in accommodating students’ needs and readiness in MoBL mediamorphosis is vital. The significance of the study is the findings will enable ELT to be more adaptive to students’ mixed level of mediamorphosis acceptance. The novelty of the study is it refuses a generalization based on data collected using perception-type questionnaire and offering a more in-depth overview of the matter and focuses on ESL average learners only.
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In-Text Citation: (Sharif et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Sharif, T. I. S. T., Noor, M. Y. M., Omar, S. R., & Teo, K. S. (2021). ESL learners’ transitional Readiness to Mobile Blended Learning Mediamorphosis. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(3), 202–212.
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