The mastery of all four language skills that include listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills can determine the level of the students in learning the Japanese language. Therefore, the students should have understood the meaning and usage of vocabulary and grammar to achieve a certain level of proficiency in learning the Japanese language. Learners must acquire a sufficient amount of Japanese vocabulary items to achieve competency in these four language skills. This research aims to identify the students' perceptions of using the interactive multimedia website in acquiring vocabulary and grammar among Japanese language learners in UPM. This research also analyses the participants' behavior while learning the Japanese language using the interactive multimedia website. This research has applied a qualitative data collection method that focused on interviews and observation. The researcher has developed an interactive multimedia website to enable users to learn Japanese words and grammar using an e-learning platform application that incorporates various multimedia tools such as animation, songs, graphics, and movies. Moreover, the Internet might prove to be successful in turning traditional classrooms into communicative and student-centered classrooms. The result indicates the need for an interactive multimedia website in learning vocabulary and grammar in the Japanese language more engaging, apart from facilitating independent learning among Japanese language learners in UPM.
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In-Text Citation: (Abdullah & Hussin, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Abdullah, M. A. R., & Hussin, S. (2021). Interactive Multimedia Website Assisted in Learning Basic Japanese Language. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(3), 710–724.
In-Text Citation: (Abdullah & Hussin, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Abdullah, M. A. R., & Hussin, S. (2021). Interactive Multimedia Website Assisted in Learning Basic Japanese Language. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(3), 710–724.