ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Although internet offers various classroom learning resources, some students are unable to use the resources due to lack of information searching and use skills. This study aimed to help secondary school students to increase information searching and use in classroom assignments by developing and evaluating digital Wakelet module for lower secondary school students. Using Wakelet application, the students were expected to use appropriate fonts type and style, insert images and videos, and link other features to Wakelet board in completing a digital scrapbook. This study employed action research design and involved 15 form two students in the development of the module and five expert teachers in the evaluation of the module usability. Data was collected using semi-structured interview and document analysis and later analyzed using thematic approach. The study found that the developed module could help students to search information from multiple sources and formats and use the information in the development of digital scrapbook assignment. The study showed that the developed module helps students to search and use information. The study also suggested the use of Wakelet application could faciliate students’ application of information search and use among lower primary students. The study suggested that there is a need for lower secondary teachers to master and employ an online application to help students to apply information search and use skills across curriculum.
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In-Text Citation: (Hussin & Karim, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Hussin, A. binti, & Karim, A. binti A. (2022). The Development and Evaluation of Digital Wakelet Module to Improve Information Searching and Use Among Lower Secondary School Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(1), 60–71.
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