The need for instructors who are creative in conducting PVMA automotive teaching process is a key requirement in this study. The world was taken aback with the Covid-19 outbreak and Malaysia recorded its first case back in January 2020. The outbreak forced all educational institutions to be closed immediate, making it hard for instructors to carry out a physical learning session. This posed as a challenge to teachers and creative teaching is seen to be a great solution especially in the PVMA (automotive) field by diversifying teaching techniques in the previous teaching and facilitation (PdPc) to the current situation by adopting blended learning via online and face-to-face interaction. Therefore, a qualitative study was conduction to collect data on creative teaching. Data were obtained through interviews submitted to experts answer the research questions and reached data saturation point by the fifth expert. Interview transcripts were analyzed using NVivo software and the open coding showed the teacher's creativity level is very high in helping students to master their learning especially in the PVMA automotive. There are five constructs found from the interview analysis namely PdPc techniques, teacher personality, knowledge, environment, motivation and thinking skills. That construct is aligned with the six elements of creativity in Stenberg's creative teaching theory namely environment, motivation, knowledge, intelligence, personality and thinking style. Therefore, this study suggests that training and experience can help teachers to develop creativity in PdPc process. The training received by the instructors should cover the latest technology used in the industry to apply the skills and knowledge to students during the teaching and facilitation process.
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