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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Analyzing the Insight of Students’ Needs for The Development of an Arabic Rhetoric Application Through MOOC

Mohamad Nor Amin Samsun Baharun, Janudin Sardi, Goh Chin Shuang

Open access

Rhetoric is one of the beautiful arts of expression in Arabic. Unfortunately, many students who learn Arabic Rhetoric are unable to acquire it well due to the lack of interesting materials. Past studies revealed that the mastery level of Arabic Rhetoric among secondary school students is at a moderate level. Therefore, the development of an Arabic Rhetoric application through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) should be implemented in facilitating students to understand the concept of Arabic Rhetoric more effectively. Factors such as elaboration of contents via graphics, animation, audios, videos, and texts followed by the provision of exercises may attract students to learn independently as well as to improve their performance. This quantitative study aims to analyze the need for an Arabic Rhetorical application. The respondents comprised 40 form four students enrolled in a secondary school in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. A questionnaire with a reliability value of 0.931 was administered online via Google Form. It consisted of four sections: i) demographics, ii) Arabic Rhetoric learning approaches, iii) Arabic Rhetoric learning issues, and iv) innovation design in Arabic Rhetoric learning. The analysis of data was conducted via descriptive statistics through percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The findings show that students need innovative design in learning Arabic Rhetoric through an Arabic Rhetorical application in order to facilitate the comprehension of information.