ISSN: 2226-6348
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Studies had proved that acquiring wide range of English vocabularies is essential to be proficient English users. For ESL learners, there are various learning strategies that can be used to learn vocabularies and ESL teachers play significant part in this matter. One of the efficient ways is to integrate technology in the learning process. Even though computers are being used widely in the educational field, the role of mobile phones and mobile applications are becoming more prominent these days. This paper reflects the use of mobile applications (mobile apps) as strategies in teaching vocabularies among English teachers. Many studies show that the use of mobile applications in teaching can attract students’ interest and increase their engagement in the learning. As a result, students can acquire more vocabularies compared to the traditional teaching method. Nevertheless, teachers and educators must be equipped with ample knowledge to conduct the learning using mobile apps efficiently and must take account students’ social and economic background. Future research is recommended to empirically prove this finding as well as to identify potential gaps that might exist.
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In-Text Citation: (Jamal et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Jamal, M. F., Hashim, H., & Esa, I. (2021). The Use of Mobile Apps as Strategies in Teaching Vocabularies among English Teachers. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(3), 265–274.
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