ISSN: 2226-6348
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This study aimed to investigate the empirical evidence regarding the validity and reliability of a questionnaire on lifelong learning skills using Rasch Model Analysis in pilot study. There is purposive sampling applied in this pilot study. Seventy (n=70) respondents in service were enrolled in this study had completed the questionnaire. The content was validated by four experts in the field of Design and Technology (DNT). Data analysis was completed using WINSTEPS software version whereby the findings revealed that the lifelong learning instruments possessed high reliability within five constructs. Based on the Person Reliability 0.98, and Item Reliability of 0.91 it was concluded that the instruments of lifelong learning skills are reliable and can be accepted. After being subjected to Rasch Model Analysis, there are thirty-five (35) items needed to be omitted while others were retained. It is hoped that by ensuring good reliability and validity of the instruments, researches will be able to adopt or adapt this quality instrument in their research. Thus, this study shows that the Rasch Measurement model can analyse the truth result, reliable, validate the good instruments, and proceed in their actual research.
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In-Text Citation: (Bohari et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Bohari, N. M., Jamal, A. H. M. @, & Suhaini, M. (2021). Rasch Analysis in Measuring Instruments Lifelong Learning Skills Among Design and Technology Teachers: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(3), 877–887.
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