ISSN: 2226-6348
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In Iran, thousands of students graduate from university annually and they join to the large number of unemployed which available right now. Today economic planners found that governmental organizations and large companies are not enough to attract all the graduated students. Hence one of the main concerns of the government in the Fourth development Economic, Social and Cultural Plan Act is creating jobs opportunity and reducing unemployment. This Plan, and especially constitutional law, has considered high attention to the cooperatives and the role of them in job creation, because according to the policy of the Government in economy, cooperatives sector can create an effective role in achieving government objectives in the field job creation. By lack of criteria and indicators of the reasons in people employment in cooperatives, this study identifies the factors in this regard. Thus by interviewing of several experts in the field of Agriculture in Semnan and Zanjan provinces, these criteria identified and according to these criteria, a questionnaire designed and the comments of people employed in agricultural cooperatives collected and finally by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) we ranked them. The results show that two factors of having experienced managers and government support of cooperatives have the most important role in employment in the cooperatives sector
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In-Text Citation: (Khosropour et al., 2013)
To Cite this Article: Khosropour, A., Banihashemi, S. M., & Shahmandi, E. (2013). Identifying and Prioritizing of Effecting Factors on People Employment in Cooperatives. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2(3), 146–157.
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