ISSN: 2226-6348
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This quantitative research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of assessment module for Health Education subject. It was tested by comparing the posttest score using summative assessment between control and experimental group. The design used in this research is one shot case study. A total of 194 Year 4 students were randomly selected stratified as the study sample which is 95 students from control group 99 students from experimental group. The summative test was used to determine the effectiveness of Health Education Assessment Module (MoPPK). During the learning process, two groups students were given two types of assessment module separately which is the MoPPK and the PBS that was developed by curriculum development section (BPK). Data were analyzed using dependent t test to state the mean difference between control and experimental group. The result shows a higher percentage of student achievement in summative test for the treatment group compare to the control group. Furthermore, independent sample t-test showed that there was a significant difference in the mean score of the summative test between the PBS control group (M = 62.64, SD = 15.79), and the MoPPK treatment group (M = 87.86, SD = 7.93). Hence, this clearly shows that the effectiveness of the MoPPK assessment module is stimulating and the content of the assessment is comprehensive by covering all the topics studied in the subject of Health Education.
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In-Text Citation: (Sani et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Sani, F. M. B. A., Rahmat, A. Bin, & Elumalai, G. a/l. (2022). Effectiveness of Health Education Assessment Module (MoPPK) among Year Four Student in Primary School. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(1), 395–402.
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