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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Review of Parenting Styles and Their Impact on The Adolescents’ Self-Esteem

Naurah Jinan, Nurul Athirah Mardhiah Mohmed Yusof, Vasantha Vellasamy, Aiman Ahmad, Mohd Nazri Bin Abdul Rahman, Saeid Motevalli

Open access

In the crucial phase of adolescence, adolescents simultaneously develop their identity and form interpersonal relationships. One of the processes for adolescents to develop their identity is by understanding the importance of self-esteem. As one of the closest individuals in adolescents’ life, parents/parental figures play a substantial part in adolescents’ self-esteem. Therefore, a best-evidence review is conducted to discuss different types of parenting styles and their impact on the self-esteem of adolescents. The result of this review revealed self-esteem has a direct and positive correlation with authoritative and permissive parenting styles. Conversely, highly authoritarian and negligent parents indicate lower adolescents’ self-esteem. Furthermore, this review identified parents’ role in increasing adolescents’ self-esteem, also gender and cultural differences of parenting style and self-esteem. Given the impact of parenting styles on adolescents’ self-esteem, understanding parents’ roles, as well as the gender and cultural differences, becomes vital knowledge to maintain adolescents’ positive self-esteem. To conclude, parenting styles play a significant influence on adolescents’ self-esteem, hence it’s vital to invest in it to get a better comprehension and have a piece of updated information, especially with the changes in the situation.