ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The teaching of grammar has always been a disputable topic among the ESL teachers, since the teaching approach is frequently dull and mundane. In response to this issue, 21st century teachers are encouraged to engage their pupils in a fun and interesting manner throughout the teaching and learning process. In light of the progressive adoption of digital technologies, more innovative tools are created in today’s education field. Throughout years of teaching experiences, the researchers discovered that the majority of their Year 4 pupils were having problems mastering comparative and superlative adjectives. On that account, an innovation, namely Adjective Monsters Kit was created to help solve the said learning problem. It consists of three significant items, namely Adjective Monsters Family, Adjective Monsters Game and Adjective Monsters Worksheet. Accordingly, this paper aimed to investigate the use of Adjective Monsters Kit in improving the pupils’ mastery of comparative and superlative adjectives. The participants of this research comprised a total of 30 Year 4 pupils from a primary school in Terengganu, Malaysia. Data were collected using the pupils’ pre-test and post-test results as well as survey questionnaire. They were then analysed and discussed quantitatively in descriptive analysis. The findings revealed that Adjective Monsters Kit has improved the pupils’ understanding of comparative and superlative adjectives. Results of the study showed that the pupils were more motivated to learn and participate in a fun learning environment. Future research is suggested to modify the learning kit for other relevant grammar items.
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In-Text Citation: (Hui et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Hui, S. M., Yong, T. S., & Yunus, M. M. (2022). Using Adjective Monsters Kit to Improve the Pupils’ Mastery of Comparative and Superlative Adjectives. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(1), 904–918.
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