ISSN: 2226-6348
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In the 21st century, English has become an indispensable part of the educational curriculum in secondary and tertiary education institutions. Much effort is expended in determining the most effective methods for learning English. English language acquisition is a highly complex process and require extraordinary cooperation and effort on the part of both learners and educational institutions. Utilizing Flipped Learning can provide a novel method of receiving this content. Systematic review was adopted as the research methodology and article selection and screening process are described. Articles published between 2018 and April 2022 were reviewed, and 47 articles were included for a detailed analysis and synthesis. The results indicated that flipped learning gained popularity amongst language educators who were documenting the flipped process and sharing students feedback. Future research examining different facets of a flipped learning implementation, framed around sound theoretical frameworks and evaluation methods, is still needed to establish the pedagogy of flipped learning in teaching English language.
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In-Text Citation: (Sze & Nasri, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Sze, C. A., & Nasri, N. M. (2022). The Role of the Flipped Learning in the English Language Learning and Students’ Motivation: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development. 11(2), 1122 - 1154.
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