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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Application of Mayer’s Multimedia Learning Theory to Digital Presentation Tools: Prezi for Industrial Design Programme in Higher Education

Teo Pei Kian, Tan Su Huey

Open access

This paper will discuss the application of Mayer’s multimedia learning (MML) theory into digital presentation tools: Prezi. The discussion will be focusing on Industrial Design (ID) education. The MML theory use different media like text, pictures, video, animation, and sound to serve as a guideline for designing Prezi. Recently, the rapid development of digital products has changed the way of teaching and learning. Therefore, the objectives of this paper are to develop a prototype of Prezi with MML for ID programme as lecturing tools and to investigate the effect of integrating MML in Prezi on student’s engagement in the learning of Industrial Design process. This paper compiles secondary data on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers; reviews existing research on the topic; and theoretical approaches. A prototype development of Prezi will be created with requirement analysis according to the content of ID programme. During the process, the six design principles (Coherence principle, Signaling principle, Redundancy principle, Spatial contiguity principle, Segmenting principle, and Modality principle) which is derived from cognitive theory of multimedia learning was analyzed and used as a guideline for designing the prototype. In the finding, a significant difference was determined in the formative, summative, and delayed summative evaluations of the combination of Prezi and MML theory.