ISSN: 2226-6348
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The Situational Judgement Test (SJT) is one of the evaluation instruments that is often used nowadays. Usually, SJT is used for evaluating performance on an individual level. In an SJT, a hypothetical situation is presented, and the candidate is asked to rate possible responses or choose one from a list of options. There are two different categories of response options: knowledge-based and behaviour-based. Additional response formats for the SJT include rating, ranking, and multiple choice. These formats are helpful for assessments because different response formats have varying relationships with knowledge, cognitive ability, and other constructs. These relationships depend on the test's specifications as well as the context or stage of the education and training pathway that the SJT is targeting. By using SJT, it offers reliable and valid implicit evaluation. Secondly, SJT have minimal cost impact and are simple to administrate. Thirdly, SJT is a well-liked method for evaluating emotional abilities. As a result, SJT enhances assessment by providing a reliable and economical instrument for gauging non-academic abilities. Besides having numerous advantages, there are still several issues in using the SJT including gender inequalities and measurement difficulty. Therefore, future research may focus on using SJT in assessing individual performance such as leadership. In addition, SJT may also be used to assess how job seekers behave while submitting their applications. When someone applies to enroll in any college to further their education, the SJT can also be utilised to evaluate their expertise.
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In-Text Citation: (Musid et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Musid, N. A., Matore, M. E. M., & Hamid, A. H. A. (2022). The Prospective of Situational Judgement Test in Assessing Individual Performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(3), 1810–1819.
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