With the growing adoption of technology in the educational environment, e-assessment is an emerging field in the context of online teaching and learning. The current study is a review of 24 articles concerning EFL e-assessment in higher education that were published from 2020 to 2022. The purpose of this study is to make a new contribution to the literature review on EFL e-assessment in higher education during COVID-19 by focusing on teachers', students', staff's, and managers' perceptions of EFL e-assessment, teachers' practices of EFL e-assessment, cheating and other challenges of EFL e-assessment, and the role of technology in EFL e-assessment. EFL e-assessment may be effective if the assessment procedure is credible and teachers make a deliberate effort to provide assessments that are valid, reliable, fair, and practical for real-world situations. EFL e-assessment may also be used to evaluate higher-order assessment assignments.
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