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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

“Under Pressure”: An Autoethnography of a Language Educator Fighting the Fear and Cultivating Resilience during Covid-19

Rofiza Aboo Bakar

Open access

Covid-19 has posed some kind of pressure and fear on educators across the world but educators are commended to not be discouraged but be resilient. However, autoethnographic research on educators fighting their pressure and fear, and subsequently cultivating resilience during Covid-19 is scarce. Thus, in this article, the author, who is a language educator, employed an autoethnography to critically examine her own lived experiences in understanding the pressure associated with her high job demands, the fear of death having to live with Covid-19 patients, and the resilience mechanisms she developed during the stressful time dealing with the respective pressure and fear. This autoethnography suggests three important contributions: the pressure on educators can be eased by providing them ample time to complete their heavy workload; the fear of Covid-19 can be relieved if family members can support each other through thick and thin and not resort to blackmailing; and the key to resilience is to maintain peace at all times. This article is hoped to provide educators and alike a reference to alter the way we live and deal with pressure and fear, now and beyond.

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In-Text Citation: (Bakar, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Bakar, R. A. (2022). “Under Pressure”: An Autoethnography of a Language Educator Fighting the Fear and Cultivating Resilience during Covid-19. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 11(4), 1009–1018.