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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Performance of Psychomotor Skill in Structural and Material Laboratory: A Comparison of Two Teaching Approach

Nor M Mayuze, Nur N. Muizzah, S Siti Shahidah, Nora M. H. Farina, Doris M. Y. Asmani

Open access

Psychomotor skills are important for engineering students to have to become a professional engineer or technician. Psychomotor skills, often known as manual or physical abilities, are typically developed in a laboratory. This study's primary objective was to evaluate the performance comparison of the students’ psychomotor skills during open-distance and face-to-face learning for the structural and material laboratory. Instead of simply following the pre-established rules from a laboratory manual as usual during face-to-face class, students are given the freedom to design the simulation experiments during open distance learning (ODL). The psychomotor skills are evaluated based on the practical test and project-based. According to the findings of this study, the student's performance on practical tests and projects achieved the comparable score for semester F2F and ODL. Even though there is a little difference in percentage of attainment for the project between those two teaching approaches, it is still satisfactory as both approaches are able to pass the requirement grade.

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In-Text Citation: (Mayuze et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Mayuze, N. M., Muizzah, N. N., Siti Shahidah, S., Farina, N. M. H., Asmani, D. M. Y. (2023). Performance of Psychomotor Skill in Structural and Material Laboratory: A Comparison of Two Teaching Approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 93–102.