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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Multimedia Approach (Geo-Sirah) Development on Sirah Learning with Geography Elements: Primary School Students

Ernieza Suhana Mokhtar, Nur Amanina Rosley, Siti Zulaiha Ahmad, Jamalia Aurani, Noraain Mohamed Saraf

Open access

Learning Sirah has a sequence of incidents, locations and dates that need to be recognised and understood during the journey of a particular story through reading. Most students easily get distracted quickly when engaged with much reading and lack the desire to learn only using traditional teaching methods. Therefore, the best alternatives should be applied in teaching and learning to stimulate and enhance students’ interest in learning Sirah with the integration of multimedia and geographical element such as location, distance, coordinate, and direction. Thus, this study aims to enhance a prototype of the Geo-Sirah application for primary school students and obtain users’ acceptance of the proposed Geo-Sirah prototype. ADDIE model was adapted to develop the prototype. The results showed that the mean score of perceived ease of use was higher than other criteria with 4.47, followed by intention to use the application (mean score = 4.39). The mean score obtained on perceive usefulness was 4.38 and attitude was 4.36. It shows that perceived ease of use, and intention to use the application in Sirah subject positively impacted user acceptance and interest in using the application to learn Sirah subject with the geography element through animated storytelling.