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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Understanding the Legal Framework of Extremism in Malaysia

Ahmad Munawar Ismail, Wan Kamal Mujani, Kartini Aboo Talib@Khalid

Open access

Malaysia has been no stranger to extremist events that lead to terrorism. Since before independence and into the 21st century, violent extremism that typically occurs in the name of religion has been reported in newspapers, online, and on social media. However, the nation does not remain dormant and is actively engaged in combating and defeating terrorists. In terms of the history of terrorism in Malaysia, the majority of plots were vanquished in their earliest stages. The authorities in Malaysia, the Royal Malaysian Police with two specialized units in combating violent extremism, the Criminal Investigation Division and the Special Branch Unit, accomplished the mission with unwavering commitment. Additionally, these two interdependent units collaborate with other government agencies to prevent the spread of domestic terrorism. In addition, the existence of three acts, the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act of 2012 (SOSMA), the Prevention of Crime Act of 2013 (POCA), and the Prevention of Terrorism Act of 1959 [Act 769] (POTA), which have been enacted to combat terrorism, gives the country the ability to protect public safety effectively. Depending on a person’s understanding and knowledge, the detention of those who have been accused of terrorism can be viewed from a variety of perspectives. The understanding of the act that protects national security should be disseminated so that the public does not misunderstand the country’s authorities. The authorities who enact and approve the use of these acts must ensure that they do not violate human rights and are applied appropriately. Besides legal approach, educational approach by the authorities is one of the best solution to encounter the terrorism phenomenon in Malaysia especially to those in Higher Education Institution (HEI).

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In-Text Citation: (Ismail et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, A. M., Mujani, W. K., & Talib@Khalid, K. A. (2023). Understanding the Legal Framework of Extremism in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 836–846.