Aesthetic ability is crucial for students’ quality because it helps them better appreciate the appeal of artistic creations, enhance their art education, and advance in their future growth and development. It is important for the students to establish positive aesthetic value and cultivate their aesthetic ability for the social trend’s revitalisation. For art education, the aesthetic ability is an effective tool to improve student learning outcome. Art students’ learning involves with craft design courses which encourage them to build a good learning environment in order to cultivate students' sensitivity to aesthetics, strengthen students' imagination, creativity and hands-on ability, and to improve students' aesthetic ability. In order to improve the efficiency of undergraduate art design education, it is necessary to continuously optimize the teaching mechanism of undergraduate art design education and innovate the teaching methods of art design education courses. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of emotional teaching value on the students’ aesthetic ability. This study used a survey strategy for primary data from 89 undergraduate students from Art programme at Chinese Universities. The findings of the study reveal that the emotional teaching value is positively associated with students’ aesthetic ability and their positive outcome. Moreover, the effects of different factors were to be a mediating reason in the relationship to their positive learning outcomes is important for students’ performance and creativity. This study explored an important role of teacher to use emotional teaching value to enhance students’ aesthetic ability and the findings showed some important implications at the end of the study. This study also provides strong evidence that emphasising feelings in art and design classes can improve students' academic performance and help them adapt to healthier practices. Within this objective, it may be useful for Art Design undergraduates to consider their own feelings as they create their work.
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In-Text Citation: (Huijun & Halabi, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Huijun, C., & Halabi, K. N. M. (2023). Cultivating of Emotional Teaching Value to Art Design Undergraduate Students’ Aesthetic Ability in China. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 1048–1057.
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