In recent years, education has taken a shift from traditional classroom settings to online and remote classes. Teaching and learning have had a robust makeover, particularly given the COVID-19 breakout since end of 2019 and early 2020, in which higher education institutions all moved to online and remote learning. However, being a doubled-edged sword, technology works both ways. While one potential advantage of online learning is online search and research opportunities through online medium, where information is at the fingertips, there is also risk involved, particularly potential plagiarism among students of higher education institutions. Plagiarism is form of cheating and is a serious academic offence. In Malaysia, plagiarism, is a growing concern. It’s violation of law and it deals with ethical and integrity issues. This article discusses the law that govern the issue of plagiarism and the defences to plagiarism in Malaysian higher education institution. Various laws and policies are outlined, to demonstrate the governance of plagiarism as well as its defences. The paper concludes by highlighting that plagiarism shouldn’t be a norm for the students in Malaysia. There can be many rules and regulations against plagiarism, but the utmost important thing is to raise awareness among the students on the dangers and liabilities forthcoming the commission of plagiarism.
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In-Text Citation: (Hong & Mohamad, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Hong, N. C., & Mohamad, A. M. (2023). Education on the Cloud: Governing Plagiarism in Higher Education Institutions of Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 952–959.
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