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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Conceptual Metaphor of Animals Used for Praise and Satire in Al Ghaddafi’s Discourse

Lutfi Mohammed Alhemmair Alwash, Mohd Azidan Abdul Jabar, Vahid NimehchiSalem , Muhammad Alif Redzuan Abdullah

Open access

Metaphor in the local language plays in daily life besides their role in rhetoric and poetry. This work shall focus on the positives and negatives of using the metaphor of animals in Al Ghaddafi’s used animal metaphors in his speeches, under the Cognitive Linguistics and the Critical Metaphor Analysis (CMA). Studies conducted on Classical Arabic metaphors but the focus in this study shall be the concealed meaning. Study objectives are: (1) to unravel the meanings underlying the animal metaphors; (2) to compare similarities, differences, positives and/ or negatives of meanings inspire the animal metaphors in Al Ghaddafi’s discourse. The study adopts qualitative data analysis that uses two comparable corpora as the source of data. The data collection method utilized CMA in order to identify the metaphorical meanings in the semantic meanings. The study also adopted analytical frameworks to analyze the data, namely and, CMA is the theoretical framework (Charters-Black, 2004) that identify and analyze symbols as cognitive instruments. The findings display that the interrelation between these words with the internal states of understanding is not an arbitrary process, but is grounded by a human bodily basis which supports the hypothesis made by (Ibarretxe-Antuñano, 2002).

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In-Text Citation: (Alwash et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Alwash, L. M. A., Jabar, M. A. A., NimehchiSalem, V., & Abdullah, M. A. R. (2023). The Conceptual Metaphor of Animals Used for Praise and Satire in Al Ghaddafi’s Discourse. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 1532–1549.