ISSN: 2226-6348
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Self-assessment is an approach of self-directed learning that gives an autonomy for teachers to prepared their respective professionalism. It comes from the concept of muhasabah by Al-Ghazali aimed to form self-discipline in determining the pattern of life with self-reflect. Bandura through Social Cognitive Theory presents that teacher change arises through the teacher's own self-assessment experience. Teachers' cognitive about their practice is their perception of effectiveness in student learning. Thus, as reflective practitioners, teacher need to perform self-assessment as a process of self-reflection to identify deficiencies and weaknesses in their teaching in terms of knowledge, skill and personality. As mudarris that able to organize his teaching in an instructional manner, practicing self-assessment is the best approach to achieve a teaching objective in the classroom especially in creating the instructional quality of Islamic Education teachers.
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In-Text Citation: (Masuwai et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Masuwai, A., Zulkifli, H., & Tamuri, A. H. (2023). The Importance of Self-Assessment for Islamic Education Teacher as Mudarris. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(2), 1391–1403.
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