ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Massive Open Online Courseware (MOOCs) are an online education tool that has gained a lot of popularity, especially in higher education institutions (HEIs). MOOCs offer a new alternative for education and can support lifelong learning, self-directed learning, and educational information which require for constant use. Studies on MOOCs are frequently found in HEIs, although there are still a lot of gaps in the available studies. From a theoretical perspective, little is known about which factors promote MOOC acceptance and use in online learning contexts. This study focus on examining empirical studies of MOOC acceptance and use and identifying factors affecting MOOC acceptance and use by applying the Extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2). First, a review was conducted of empirical research publications on MOOC that had been published in 2 specialised journals between 2012 and 2021. Second, a critical analysis of 10 studies investigating factors aiding or impeding MOOC acceptance and use was conducted. The study revealed that among six constructs of the UTAUT2, “Hedonic Motivation” was the most important factor in influencing MOOC acceptance and use, while “Facilitating Condition” was the major barrier. This study also makes significant theoretical contribution by extending UTAUT2 with a new variable namely personal innovativeness (PI) in the domain of information technology (IT). In conclusion, limitations of the study were reviewed in detail, and recommendations for future research were given.
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