ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
For today's generation to succeed in the twenty-first century, they will need to be highly competitive and effective in mastering a wide range of topics. The Education 4.0 program has as its primary goal the rapid development of new technological tools. Because of this, the students of today should not be instructed solely through memorization exercises and rote learning; rather, they should embrace digital learning. This study's objective is to evaluate the ways in which the Youtuber Academy application (also known as the AYU application) assists students in the development of their capabilities for self-directed learning and acts as a reference for both instructors and parents. In order to evaluate how useful, the Youtuber Academy application was designed, a survey approach was employed, and the sample population consisted of 202 students from West Malaysia. The efficiency of this AYU application is evaluated by the level of student agreement (98.7 percent), which states that the AYU application is ideal for the development of autonomous learning abilities and can be easily accessed by students, parents, and instructors. This level of agreement is used to measure the efficacy of this AYU application.
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(Mat et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Mat, H., Yusof, A. Y. M., Yusof, M. S., Ismail, N., Ahmad, Y. R., & Saiman, S. A. (2023). Ayu Apps Empowers the Sustainability of Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(2), 2624–2629.
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