ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The identification of gifted students requires preparing and configuring special programs for their education and care, as well as developing standardized scales and tests for their evaluation. This review provides some insights on the current development of those methods and the next steps to be taken in research concerning the identification and evaluation of gifted students. Additionally, this study aims to inform specialists in the field about where evaluation is headed and the research gaps that may be explored in the future for this rare category of society.
This study systematically reviewed the literature to reveal how gifted students are identified and evaluated. This review followed the PRISMA framework (The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses). Based on a set of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 20 articles were included in the review. The results indicate the importance of multiple sources of information in identifying and educating gifted students, National standardized (IQ-like) tests lack gender-fairness, especially when they are administered to young students as the sole means to determine whether they qualify for gifted programs, there should be more training programs and courses offered to teachers related to gifted children and their characteristics. This systematic review covers various scales, measures, sample types, and geographical contexts of those studies. Potential research avenues and other recommendations were then proposed such as: using the scales to investigate the gender gap in mathematics achievement and other suggestions.
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(Alyafai et al., 2024)
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