ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Art and Design Education is a focused area involving the nature of knowledge of technology, pedagogy, and content, as well as the component of knowledge of artistic skills. Without these skills, understanding the art would be difficult, and unable to teach the arts properly. The objective of this study is to study the Art and Design Education (ADE) students in developing their artistic skills and knowledge by using specially designed TPSACK courseware. The TPACK framework study has aided in the development of TPSACK courseware, which explores the artistic abilities needed by students of Art and Design Education as future teachers. Complex functions and interactions between the four bodies during the learning phase are explored in the development of the TPSACK courseware. The interaction between these four components creates flexible knowledge to successfully include technical abilities in the learning process. This research employs a 2 x 2 design of factorial research with a quantitative approach, and SPSS was utilized for analysis. A descriptive analysis was carried out to analyze the drawing. The findings of the research indicate that combining technology with artistic skills might significantly increase students' artistic skills and knowledge. To improve their artistic abilities among them, the TPSACK courseware's mean score is important. In conclusion, the work presents a descriptive model of TPSACK courseware to improve artistic skills knowledge as well as the knowledge of technology, pedagogy, and content. The findings have indicated that the impact of the TPSACK courseware was statistically significant and there is a significant difference between the experimental and the control group.
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