ISSN: 2226-6348
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The integration of Fintech and tourism is changing the dynamics of tourists-destination contact and service delivery in an era of rapid technological development. This study employs the qualitative research method involving literature review, key informant interview and case studies, and explores the multifaceted impact of FinTech integration on Guangxi's growing online tourism sector. The main objective is to explore the complex role of FinTech in Guangxi's online tourism landscape, explaining its multifaceted impact. This study adopts an integrated strategy to identify the most effective applications of FinTech to improve the online tourism experience and increase operational efficiency. The integration of FinTech has led to greater convenience for online tourists, causing profound changes in the online tourism framework in Guangxi. However, this integration journey is not without challenges. The multifaceted nature of the online tourism sector requires nuanced understanding and strategic navigation. Foremost among these challenges is the concern for security and privacy, which requires a firm commitment to protecting the confidentiality of tourist data. At the same time, the digital divide is a potential barrier, preventing the full participation of different segments of the population. Addressing these complex challenges will require cooperation between a tripartite coalition of government, industry stakeholders and academia. The pooling of their joint expertise underlines the need for collaboration to enable the successful integration of FinTech into Guangxi's online tourism industry. This collaborative synergy will play an important role in driving sustainable growth and catalyzing innovation in Guangxi's emerging online tourism sector.
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