ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
In a groundbreaking journey through the digital education revolution, this paper delves into the transformative world of e-learning, capturing the nuanced perspectives of educators, students, and parents. The study spans a decade of research, identifying the scope, advantages, challenges, and knowledge gaps in e-learning. The scope particularly addresses the digital transformation of learning environments, exploring both far-reaching implications and potential limitations. Methodologically, a comprehensive thematic analysis of existing literature is employed, revealing that e-learning enhances individualized learning experiences but poses challenges in social interaction and technology accessibility. The findings highlight benefits such as flexibility and accessibility, alongside challenges like the digital divide and lack of interpersonal interaction. This paper identifies crucial gaps in research, notably in long-term e-learning outcomes and its impact across different demographics. It concludes with recommendations for future research and policy adaptations, emphasizing the need for technological advancements to optimize e-learning in educational settings.
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