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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Tayyib Diet and its Impact on Health

Mohd Akil Mohamed Ali, Nurul Syahadah Mohamad Riza, Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin, Mohammad Fahmi Abdul Hamid

Open access

Islam emphasises halal and ?ayyib in all spheres of life. The Islamic community's interpretation of the applicability of ?ayyib food remains uncertain. Although most people today only grasp the principles and concerns of halal and haram connected to food, the difficulty is that the food and drinks used by the community may genuinely be halal but are not as ?ayyib as expected. This study explores the notion of ?ayyib food via qualitative research methods, including structured interviews, literature review, and document analysis. The study found that ?ayyib food prioritises healthful foods over unhealthy ones. This research on Islamic perspectives on food indirectly contributes to advances in Islamic knowledge and technological growth, notably in the realm of diet based on the Quran and Sunnah needs. It also contributes to the Islamic community's knowledge of tayyib food, which has a huge influence on improvements in the healthcare system, particularly among Malaysians.

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(Ali et al., 2024)
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