ISSN: 2226-6348
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Gamification in teaching and learning mathematics is a current trend. This approach not only creates a fun learning environment, but also shows positive feedback from students. This systematic literature review examines the effectiveness of gamification integration in teaching and learning mathematics. Two major databases, Scopus and World of Science (WoS), were searched for articles published from 2018 to 2023. The searched data were analysed using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method, resulting in 22 articles that met the criteria. Before the review was conducted, criteria were set to facilitate the literature review process. The findings improvement and rating gamification in teaching and learning mathematics is effective in terms of engagement, motivation, learning personality, retention, performance, social skill development, cognitive skill improvement, and reducing mathematics anxiety. The results of the analysis of this study are expected to help researchers and educators in implementing appropriate gamification applications aligned with the objectives of the research and mathematics learning.
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(Jutin & Maat, 2024)
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