ISSN: 2226-6348
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The governance of urban open spaces in Nigeria has been hindered by ineffective policy frameworks that are not sustainable. In-spite of all these challenges Urban Open Space provides sense of neighbourhood integration and also facilitates physical exercise and better mental health for urban residents. Efforts for sustainable frameworks yielded no notable accomplishments yet. Between June 2018 and March 2023, a literature review was conducted to enhance understanding. The review on Urban Open Space Policy employed a thorough analysis of published papers from reputable databases like Scopus and Web of Science. After careful screening, thirty relevant publications were selected, ensuring scholarly rigor in examining urban open space policy. Based on the findings, it is evident that there is currently no sustainable policy framework in place due to several factors such as urbanization, land use conversion/change, lack of stakeholder involvement in decision-making processes, and limited participation from professionals within the built environment sector. The complexities faced hinder the establishment of efficient governance in urban open spaces in Nigeria. It proposes the need for a policy framework considering stakeholders' interests to ensure long-term sustainability. Further studies should also focus on rural open spaces to reduce problem of urbanization in the urban areas.
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(Afeosemobo et al., 2024)
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