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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Comparison of Aggressiveness in Sport and Achievement Goals among High Performances Athletes in Malaysia

Nor Hazlienda Abdullah, Wan Ahmad Munsif Wan Pa

Open access

This study presents a study conducted to evaluate the comparison on aggressiveness in sport and achievement goals among SUKMA athletes. In this particular study, the researcher aims to determine the assertiveness and achievement goals among SUKMA athletes. The sample of this study consisted of 400 SUKMA athletes from various background. Descriptive analysis indicated that athletes showed their assertiveness in sport. The assertiveness in sport among SUKMA athletes measured in terms of go ahead, tripping someone up and assertiveness. For the achievement goals of the sport, it was found that task avoidance is the most influential aspect towards achievement among SUKMA athletes. Result of ANOVA revealed significant differences for assertiveness in sport and achievement goals based on gender, age, experience and types of sport among SUKMA athletes. ANOVA analysis also showed that there are significant differences on assertiveness in sport between age and types of sport among SUKMA athletes. In addition, there is significant differences on achievement goals between types of sport among SUKMA athletes. In conclusion, the results indicate that the authorities involved in the development and planning of the sport programme should know and understand the athletes’ aggressiveness in sport and achievement goals to ensure they showed the great performance in sport.

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