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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Needs Assessment in Implementation of Fink’s Taxonomy Through Functionality of the Quadruple Helix Model

Patronella William Yaw, Mohd Effendi Ewan Mohd Matore

Open access

The primary focus of education is to generate a meaningful learning experience that can bring about lasting changes in the learners. Research and innovation that generate new knowledge require needs assessment as evidence for these discoveries. This paper aims to elucidate the role of needs assessment based on the Quadruple Helix Model in the context of implementing the Fink Taxonomy. The emphasis is placed on the four main pillars, namely government, industry, community, and academic institutions. The synergy between the four pillars of the Quadruple Helix Model and the six dimensions of the Fink Taxonomy creates an effective framework for shaping needs assessment for transformative learning. Needs assessment is a process to identify the gap between the current state and the desired state to determine requirements. This assessment aims to identify gaps, prioritize resources, make evidence-based decisions, and foster continuous improvement. The role of the four stakeholders is crucial in framing needs as a strong foundation in the educational context. The limitations of implementing the Fink Taxonomy needs assessment include reaching consensus and power imbalances among the four stakeholders in the Quadruple Helix Model. Understanding the implications of the Quadruple Helix Model and the role of needs assessment in implementing the Fink Taxonomy fosters cooperation among government, industry, academic experts, and the community, promoting innovation, and ensuring sustainability in student learning outcomes. Further research suggestions could include concept development through exploring innovative methodologies and developing new approaches to needs assessment, such as exploring advanced data analysis and artificial intelligence, integrating stakeholder perspectives in needs assessment planning from different sectors, and integrating technology into the implementation of the Fink Taxonomy by exploring effective digital tools or platforms to create interactive and engaging learning experiences in line with Fink's taxonomy principles.

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(Yaw & Matore, 2024)
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