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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Assessment in Action: Investigating the Practices of Malaysian Physical and Health Education Teachers

Zuraimi Zakaria, Amirul Izzat Shazwan Ahmad Rizal, Ani Mazlina Dewi Mohamed

Open access

Within the landscape of the physical and health education (PHE) curriculum in Malaysia, where instructional and assessment activities are framed by a school-based assessment framework, valid and reliable assessment practice is critical. However, there is a distinct lack of studies exploring Malaysian PHE teachers’ assessment competencies and practice, resulting in considerable gaps in understanding how assessments are utilized to bolster the instructional process and the overall efficacy of the PHE curriculum implementation. Addressing these gaps, this study delves into teachers’ assessment practices, encompassing traditional and alternative assessment methodologies, evidence-based instructional strategies, and the utilization of scoring tools. Employing a quantitative approach, a survey was administered to 63 PHE secondary school teachers across five urban districts of a state in Malaysia. Findings indicate a discrepancy between curriculum expectations and teachers' actual engagement with assessment practices, highlighting a lack of integration of assessment information to inform instructional strategies. Additionally, a clear preference for rubrics over other scoring methods was observed. Moreover, the study highlights missed opportunities in promoting critical thinking skills and utilizing informal assessment data to enhance ongoing instruction. These findings emphasize the need for comprehensive professional development and robust support systems to bolster effective assessment practices in Malaysian schools.

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(Zakaria et al., 2024)
Zakaria, Z., Rizal, A. I. S. A., & Mohamed, A. M. D. (2024). Assessment in Action: Investigating the Practices of Malaysian Physical and Health Education Teachers. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(1), 2187–2204.