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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Innovate to Educate: The Development and Validation of the Design Thinking Chemistry Module

Norliyana Md. Aris, Nor Hasniza Ibrahim, Noor Dayana Abd. Halim

Open access

This study aims to develop an innovative approach to chemistry instruction in light of the changing education landscape. The objective is to cultivate innovation competencies among chemistry students in secondary school by integrating the principles of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) within a design thinking framework. The primary objective of this undertaking is to create a Design Thinking Chemistry Module (Chem_PRO) specifically designed to instruct the fundamental principles of "acid, base, and salt." The module is developed using the Design and Development Research (DDR) approach based on the Sidek Module Development Model. It exhibits the potential to address the disparity between theoretical comprehension and the application of problem-solving abilities in practical contexts. The primary objective of this research is to create the Chem_PRO module, utilizing a Design and Development Research (DDR) methodology inside the Sidek Module Development Model. The purpose of this module is to instruct Form Four students on the fundamental principles of "acid, base, and salt." The module fosters innovation competencies by incorporating STEM ideas and employing a design thinking methodology. The validation process involved assessing the content by a panel of nine experts from diverse domains. This evaluation resulted in a Content Validity Index (CVI) of 0.975. The module's validity and reliability were confirmed through subsequent pilot testing with Form Four chemistry students, as evidenced by a strong Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of 0.924. The Chem_PRO module is anticipated to function as an essential pedagogical instrument, augmenting theoretical comprehension and practical problem-solving abilities in chemistry education.

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(Aris et al., 2024)
Aris, N. M., Ibrahim, N. H., & Halim, N. D. A. (2024). Innovate to Educate: The Development and Validation of the Design Thinking Chemistry Module. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education And Development, 13(1), 2379–2389.