ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Classroom-Based Assessment (CBA) was introduced for comprehensive assessment and measurement of student learning progress. The CBA system must be implemented to ensure that students can develop interests and enjoy learning. Assessment methods that are entirely exam-oriented have been eliminated and replaced with formative CBA which is implemented during Teaching and Facilitation (PdPc) and summative CBA, which is the End of Academic Session Test (UASA) that is conducted at the end of the academic calendar starting in 2022 every year. It is implemented to ensure that the physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual (JERI) of students can be built throughout the time these students are in Year One to Six. This study aims to understand the application of the concept of CBA among teachers. This study will be conducted in preparation to understand concepts related to CBA that can be used to understand the understanding of primary school teachers in Labuan who implement CBA. System’s theory is used as a core approach and the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation model is used as a framework for studies that include components, namely Context, Input, Process and Product, while considering the impact of each component.
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(Besar & Yunus, 2024)
Besar, R. A., & Yunus, J. @ N. (2024). The Framework of Classroom-Based Assessment Based on the CIPP Model. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(1), 2390–2400.
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