The command of the English language is undoubtedly important in Malaysia, even though Malay language is the country’s national language. English, as a global language, is used extensively and thus, need to be mastered, especially by students who are in the quest for knowledge and consequently, will be utilizing English in their working environment. Despite the fact that, the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics and Science in English (PPSMI) policy is no longer in practiced, the learning process in form six college requires the students to have a good proficiency in the English language. This study aims to identify the level of command in English among semester one students from various classes in Kuala Selangor Form Six College. This study shows that the level of command in English for semester one students from various classes in Kuala Selangor Form Six College is still at the average level, with SPM English results. While a majority of students do not have the mastery of communicating verbally and writing in English, they do not seem to have difficulties to make references, receive orders, and use operating tools which have instructions in English, and enjoy entertainment such as films, online games and dramas. They would frequently turn to the dictionary and adopt positive attitudes in order to increase their expertise and grasp of English, and are also ready to enroll in courses if given the opportunity.
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(Seydalavi, 2024)
Seydalavi, A. (2024). The Command of English Language among Semester one Students in Kuala Selangor Form Six College. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(2), 280–289.
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