ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The Community of Inquiry framework is an efficient theoretical and methodological framework for analyzing and developing both online and blended learning. SPOC-based blended teaching was one of the predominant modes in the pandemic period in China, and previous studies indicated its positive effect on the learning outcomes of English language learners. In order to provide a deep and meaningful learning experience to English language learners, the research first analyzes the connotations and dimensions of cognitive presence, social presence, and teaching presence in the CoI model and summarizes the pedagogical strategies for creating the three elements in the SPOC-based blended teaching environment. Then, taking the English course “Oral English for Cabin Service” as an example, the teaching practice of the whole blended learning process, including before, during, and after the face-to-face class, is designed with a view to providing a reference and an example for oral English teaching and learning in other higher vocational colleges.
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