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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Analysis of the Research Progress of Teachers’ Digital Competence in China based on Bibliometrics

Li Li, Lee Keok Cheong

Open access

With the rapid development of information technology, teachers’ digital competence has become the focus of attention in the education field. China is deeply implementing the "Internet +" action plan and the National Education Informatization 2.0 strategy, and the study of Chinese teachers' digital competence is particularly important. Research on Chinese teachers’ digital competence shows a diversified trend. Although existing research has provided valuable insights and data, there is still a lack of systematic understanding of Chinese teachers’ digital competence. Systematic research on the digital competence of teachers in China is essential for informing policy, improving educational quality, enhancing global competitiveness, mitigating the digital divide, supporting professional development, and advancing research and innovation in the field of educational technology. This study uses VOSviewer as a tool to research and analyze 366 articles related to teachers’ digital competence in China included in the Web of Science database and CNKI database. This study uses quantitative research methods and bibliometric to sort out the current research status of Chinese teachers' digital competence and explore the shortcomings and development direction. The study found that the number of articles published in the field of teachers' digital competence in China is generally increasing, with China publishing the largest number of articles, followed by Spain, the United States, etc. The authors of the article have less cross-team collaboration, insufficient communication, insufficient research depth, and no sustained research. A total of 47 keywords that appeared 5 times were analyzed, and 9 clusters were formed, which were further divided into three themes: digital transformation, digital competence, and teachers. “Digital literacy of teacher”, “rural teacher”, “education digitalization”, “digital teaching”, etc. are hot topics in recent research. It can be inferred that the next research will focus on the practical application of teachers' digital competence in teaching.

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(Li & Cheong, 2024)
Li, L., & Cheong, L. K. (2024). Analysis of the Research Progress of Teachers’ Digital Competence in China based on Bibliometrics. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(2), 869–882.