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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

A Literature Review on Narrative Medicine Education

Sun Qimeng, Md Baharuddin Abdul Rahman, Xie Sha

Open access

To determine how to develop a narrative medicine module specifically for Chinese medical students, this article conducts a literature review on the subject. The assessment thoroughly examines various components of narrative medicine education, including objectives, content, pedagogies, and assessment. Additionally, it scrutinizes the present state of development in this field and the results obtained from previous initiatives in narrative medicine education. The aim is to offer valuable perspectives for the advancement of narrative medicine modules, investigate novel approaches in narrative medicine education, and potentially foster further investigation in the field of narrative medicine education. The development of the narrative medicine module should preferably consider long-term projects. The assessment should be diversified, avoiding singular assessment of narrative competence. Furthermore, module development should take into account social and cultural backgrounds. Meanwhile, recommendations are provided for the future research direction of narrative medicine education, including expanding the research scope, enhancing faculty training and institutional support for narrative medicine education, and accelerating the construction of the narrative medicine discipline.

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