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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Effectiveness of Heuristic as Research Approach on Non-Clinical Therapeutic Procedure through Sabah’s Igal dance for Depression among Adults with Disabilities

Panan, Amandus Paul, Rosdeen Suboh, Sang Woo Ha

Open access

The heuristic research approach is valuable for exploring the therapeutic potential of traditional dance forms, emphasizing personal engagement and intuitive understanding. This paper investigates the effectiveness of the Igal dance from Sabah as a non-clinical therapeutic procedure for disabled adults with depression. Depression, which disproportionately affects disabled adults, often requires culturally relevant therapeutic approaches. The Igal dance, deeply rooted in cultural heritage, offers a promising alternative. The objective of this study is to explore how the Igal dance alleviates depressive symptoms and improves the well-being of disabled adults. Using a heuristic research approach, the researcher and participants engaged in the dance, keeping reflective journals and participating in interviews to capture their experiences. Findings suggest that the Igal dance enhances emotional and physical well-being. Key themes include emotional release, physical engagement, and cultural connection. Participants reported reduced depressive symptoms, improved mobility, and a strengthened sense of cultural identity and community. These results underscore the importance of incorporating cultural practices into therapeutic interventions. The study concludes that the heuristic research approach effectively uncovers the holistic benefits of traditional dance therapy, promoting an empathetic understanding of mental health treatment for disabled adults. Recommendations include integrating traditional dances into mental health programs, further researching other traditional dance forms, and training practitioners in heuristic research methods and traditional dance therapy.

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(Panan et al., 2024)
Panan, A. P., Suboh, R., & Ha, S. W. (2024). The Effectiveness of Heuristic as Research Approach on Non-Clinical Therapeutic Procedure through Sabah’s Igal dance for Depression among Adults with Disabilities. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 1223–1240.